Bruce Scambler: A Trailblazer in the Renewable Energy Sector - A Biographical Insight

Bruce Scambler is a name synonymous with innovation and accomplishment in the renewable energy industry. From his humble beginnings as an accounting trainee to his rise as a key player in the green energy sector, Bruce Scambler's journey has been nothing short of remarkable. In this biographical article, we will take a deep dive into the life and career of this extraordinary entrepreneur, exploring the milestones that have shaped his accomplishments in the sustainable energy space.

Early Years and Education:

Bruce Scambler's childhood was steeped in a culture of education and diligence. From an early age, he exhibited an innate proficiency for math and science, earning top grades in subjects like math, applied math, physics, and chemistry. His intellectual prowess earned him a place at Oxford University, where he graduated with honors in physics and chemistry.

After completing his undergraduate studies, Bruce went on to pursue a law degree at Bristol University, where he continued to distinguish himself academically. He then embarked on an MBA program at the prestigious Strathclyde Graduate Business School, further cementing his reputation as a scholar.

The Start of a Diverse Career:

Bruce Scambler's professional journey began at Peat Marwick KPMG, where he spent four years honing his accounting skills and working with high-profile clients. During this time, he developed expertise in financial reporting, auditing, and taxation.

Taking a hiatus from the world of finance, Bruce Scambler spent two years as an Acting Pilot Officer in the Royal Air Force, further expanding his horizons.

A Turn Toward Renewable Energy:

The turning point in Bruce's career came when he ventured into the renewable energy sector. As CEO of Green Islands Corporation, he set out to develop $100 million worth of waste-to-energy projects in Kauai, Hawaii, and the Pacific islands. His work in this capacity aimed to provide comprehensive solutions for municipal solid waste problems while exploring the potential for co-generation and peaking power.

Bruce's passion for green energy soon led him to the wind energy sector. At Zilkha Wind Power Corporation, he played a pivotal role in the development of a 100+ MW wind energy project. Working closely with the COO and SW Development Manager, Bruce Scambler helped market the project to major energy providers.

Expanding His Impact:

As President of Green Energy Corporation, Bruce Scambler showcased his expertise in wind geophysics and met data analysis for site location, prospect evaluations, and electric connectivity to production. Under his leadership, the company successfully developed 20 square miles of location prospects, proving its value-adding track record in new ventures, growth, and realizations.

Demonstrating his financial acumen, Bruce Scambler served as CFO for JetStream Tower Services, managing the financials and financing for a wind services company with an annual turnover of $13 million. He played a crucial role in securing mid to long-term contracts for the company, ensuring its continued growth and success.

Bruce's accomplishments in the renewable energy sector continued as he took on the roles of Chairman and CEO for WindTex Energy and Bedford Energy. Under his guidance, WindTex Energy developed and installed 400MW+ wind farms in Texas, while Bedford Energy emerged from restructuring as a debt-free independent energy company.

Sharing His Expertise:

Bruce Scambler's expertise in finance and taxation led him to establish CPA Tax Counselors P.L.L.C., a firm that provided specialist taxation, tax credit, oil and gas advice, and management consulting. He also authored a definitive guide on oil and gas taxation, further solidifying his reputation as an industry expert. Throughout his life, Bruce Scambler has exemplified the qualities of a true entrepreneur, constantly seeking new opportunities and innovative solutions to environmental challenges.


In conclusion, Bruce Scambler's contributions to the renewable energy sector are truly extraordinary. His journey from accounting trainee to successful CEO and industry expert is a testament to his hard work, determination, and unwavering commitment to the environment. Bruce Scambler's passion and expertise in sustainable energy have transformed the industry, and his legacy will continue to inspire future generations of entrepreneurs and leaders in the green energy space.


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