Avoiding Tax Return Miscalculations in Property Re-Development - BRUCE SCAMBLER : CPA CFF FCMA

A CPA with proven experience in forensic accounting, taxation and consulting services. Experience covering many different cases, including insurance, SEC, oil and gas and corporate malfeasance investigations concluding in litigation support and other engagement Real Estate ‘asset’ (re-)development property (whether for c ommercial properties or domestic homes) as a subject topic of the tax code, comprises some of the most complex in the Tax Code, with thousands of applicable rules and regulations. At the same time, if you follow the rules accurately, it can be one of the most favorable areas for the tax payer. Here is one of the rubs, re-developers and designers with creative brains, do not think at all like that of an accountant or CPA. They are not experts in all these rules. Many such taxpayers were also left ‘without normal available accounting help due to covid’, and are struggling to comply through 2021 and 2022 ret...